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How to preserve your energy to better bounce back

Fatigue is a real problem for prostate cancer patients. How to preserve energy to better bounce back then becomes a priority. But you can help yourself lose that tired feeling if you follow some simple advice.

The lack of energy, related to prostate cancer or cancer treatments, is quite normal. It is actually directly related to fatigue. However, it can be difficult to manage this fatigue, since it can be caused by many factors at once.

Cancer can cause changes in your body, including increased energy needs. Chemotherapy and radiation can also cause fatigue while your body works to repair damaged non-cancer cells. Treatments that have side effects such as anemia and pain, or that affect your hormones, can also contribute to fatigue. Example of manifestations of fatigue :

Fatigue after surgery: After surgery, it is normal to feel tired or tired for a few months. Immediately after the surgery, your energy level will be at its lowest, but it will increase gradually thereafter.

Fatigue-related to radiotherapy: Fatigue increases progressively from one treatment to another. At the end of the treatments, fatigue disappears, but this process can take several months.

Fatigue-related to hormone therapy: Fatigue is often ubiquitous during treatment. However, it can diminish over time. It is also possible that it continues well after hormone therapy is over.

Fatigue-related to chemotherapy: Fatigue increases a few days after each treatment and may decrease to the next. You will have to wait several months after the end of your treatments to find your normal energy level.

Here are some suggestions

The good news is that you can conserve your energy in several ways.

Try to live as healthily as possible – Eating well, sleeping well, drinking plenty of water, and gentle exercise can help to lessen the effects of fatigue.

Give yourself time – Your body needs time to recover. Conserving energy when you’re feeling fatigued and only doing the bare minimum will help ease feelings of exhaustion.

Plan ahead and organize your work – Planning ahead will help you ensure you don’t overload your schedule.

Ask and you will receive – Lean on those around you for support and if fatigue is affecting your job, ask your boss if you can work from home or change your hours so you’re working at a more suitable time.

Prioritize and delegate – Prioritize what needs to be done and what can be left or delegated to others. Look for ways to make chores or tasks easier — sitting down instead of standing or tackling jobs in segments rather than doing it all at once.

Balance periods of rest – Rest before you become fatigued. Frequent, short rests are more beneficial than one long nap.

Other ways to combat fatigue – Breathe evenly; do not hold your breath. Wear comfortable clothes to allow for free and easy breathing. Learn how you can manage your stress. Avoid temperature extremes. Eliminate smoke or harmful fumes. Avoid long, hot showers or baths.

If depression or anxiety is contributing to fatigue, it’s important to have these issues addressed. Counseling can help many men going through prostate cancer and your doctor may be able to prescribe antidepressants if necessary.

Take the time to visit each of our pages on this website, as well as our YouTube channel, in order to get familiar with the disease with our expert lectures, our section on available resources, the support that is offered to you.

Do you have any questions or concerns? Above all, do not hesitate. Contact us at 1 855 899-2873 to discuss with a nurse specializing in uro-oncology. It’s simple and free, like all our services.

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