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Coronavirus and prostate cancer

News about the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) around the world often raises worries and you may be wondering what special precautions should be taken, especially when you are affected by prostate cancer.

The information below are meant to answer some of the questions you may be asking yourself at this time. We will update this page regularly with any official changes to ensure the information is relevant.

Above all, our goal is to continue to provide information and support to all people affected by prostate cancer. Our programs play an important role in maintaining their quality of life. Therefore, we ensure that our activities are maintained, and we use all our efforts, perseverance and creativity to continue to offer them in the comfort and safety of your home.

We know that these are not easy times for you and your families, so we urge you to follow these recommendations to ensure the health and safety of you and your loved ones.
You are not alone, we are here for you!

Prostate cancer
do not experience it alone.

Our healthcare professionals are here to answer all your questions and those of your loved ones. Contact us.

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