Talk to a healthcare professional 1-855-899-2873


Employer and co-workers

Our support program

Services and tools for you and your employees.

This program was created to raise awareness about prostate cancer and to offer you and your employees support and services when the disease affects the workplace.

When an employee is suffering from cancer, the company plays a key role. This program, provided free of charge by PROCURE, will allow all your employees, managers or superiors to have a better understanding of prostate cancer, to be better equipped to face it and to learn about the resources available to them.

For who?

  • Employers, superiors, managers, employees, colleagues and life partners

Why a support program? To…

  • Understand the impact of illness on workplace
  • Give you tools and knowledge to help a suffering employee
  • Educate your employees to risk factors and prevention
  • Offer confidential help to your employees
  • Offer information activities
  • Refer you to additional resources


Do it as these employers and enjoy our services

Discussed subjects

  • Topo on Prostate Cancer (prevalence)
  • Risk factors
  • Prevention factors
  • Screening
  • Support to a colleague

Duration and operation

  • The duration may vary according to the needs – 20, 30, 45 min or 1h (max.)
  • On site or remotely via Webex or Google Meet
  • Minimum 3 weeks notice before the session
  • Requires 2 weeks prior to the session for internal promotion* and registration


When cancer strikes

cancer prostate et employeur

When an employee suffers from cancer, their boss plays a key role. Both the employer and employee can benefit from identifying the needs of the sick employee and effectively managing work‑related challenges. As an employer, you have an important role to play.

The truth is that understanding the disease combined with one of your employees announcing that they have cancer can be as destabilizing for you as it is for your employee. In fact, your employee is probably mortified by the idea of telling you, not to mention, he is probably still reeling from the news he was just hit with. Imagine his state of mind. Imagine the whole range of emotions, worries, and concerns running through their head and in the heads of their partner, family… and, not to mention you. It’s a tough blow.

To help you, here’s what you need to know when one of your employees makes the announcement. Know that you are not alone. We are here for you at 1 855 899-2873.


Let your employee choose the meeting time. If you feel like he lacks the courage to come talk to you, take the initiative.

  • Pay attention and let the employee know that you will not necessarily have the answer or
    solution to everything. Allow time for reflection if necessary.
  • Ask questions and watch your employee’s reaction. If he is uncomfortable answering, do not
  • Let them know you are at their disposal.
  • If your employee is taking sick leave, see whether or not he wishes to be informed about work.
  • Never mention an employee’s state of heath without permission.

If the employee with cancer wishes to speak openly about his situation with the team, discuss it with the team to figure out the best time.

Your Support

Be flexible with your employee. Let him change his work hours if necessary. He may have medical appointments or may need to reduce his work hours.

  • If the employee wishes to continue working during his treatment, try to adjust his workload as
  • Many patients would like to benefit from time off for medical reasons (therapeutic part‑time
    work). See if you can offer your employee this opportunity when he returns.

Managing emotions

Hearing that someone has cancer has an emotional impact, not only on the person affected but also on their co‑workers and employer. In this situation, it is necessary to be patient and understanding. Beware of negative behaviours from the team.

  • Ensure that relationships are as normal and balanced as possible and encourage good
    communication between the sick employee and his colleagues.
  • Show interest in your employee’s concerns.

Understanding the importance of work

For various reasons, it is important for most people with cancer to be able to continue working.

  • Work may represent a type of “normal” routine for them
  • Work may give them a sense of “control”
  • For financial reasons, the employee cannot afford to lose his job.

Work atmosphere

An employee with cancer may also affect other employees. The latter may be upset and not know how to react. Employees may also feel pressure because the absences of a sick colleague may lead to an increase in their workload.

  • Discuss the situation with your team and ask your employees if they are able to handle the
    extra work in the absence of their sick co‑worker.
  • In this special situation, do you have the ability to reduce the team’s workload? To ask the
    question is to answer it.

Care trajectory and work reintegration

cancer prostate aidant naturel

Have you never had to deal with an employee with cancer? We have provided you with a guide of your responsibilities as an employer—from understanding the concerns of your employees to the roles of your executives, managers, or human resources department. And remember, you are not alone. We are here for you at 1 855 899-2873.

Cancer is different for everyone

  • Some needs, such as empathy, are very common in patients.
  • The need for communication with the company can vary greatly from one person to the next.
  • Do not forget that each person, supervisor or co‑worker, reacts differently to illness.
  • Often, behind a patient there is a caregiver. Do not forget this!

Concerns of your employees and their loved ones

  • Financial situation (difficulties)
  • Physical and psychological consequences
  • Return to and retention in the labour market
  • Ongoing functional limitations
  • Permanent disability for an undetermined period

We have identified three stages to guide you

Stage 1 – Diagnosis, the announcement of cancer, and your role

“When I told people about my cancer, I was afraid of how they would react and I felt guilty for dropping the workload on my colleagues. I need to be reassured, supported, and heard.”

Supervisor and co‑workers

  • Take the time to think about the situation
  • Seek advice from HR if necessary
  • Empathy = support and listening
  • Respecting his wishes and privacy: what can be said, to whom, and how

Supervisor and HR

  • Reassure the employee of their place in the company
  • Adopt a common strategy to manage the situation with HR to avoid confusion

PROCURE support

  • Check out PROCURE and call 1 855 899-2873
  • Book a confidential meeting with one of our in‑house nurses specializing in uro‑oncology

Stage 2 – Cancer treatments and your role

“While I am away I still need to be reassured. I appreciate getting news and the fact that I am still considered to be an employee. Being able to continue working helps me maintain a professional identity and social ties.”

HR, supervisor, and co‑workers

  • Getting news in a coordinated manner
  • Maintaining the link between employee and company
  • Relieving some of his workload by sharing some of the work with his colleagues or with his
  • Maintaining clear communication about the situation (work is not an obligation)

If the employee chooses to work, strike a balance between an empathetic and normal attitude. Having some flexibility in dealing with unforeseen issues and meeting for periodic assessments could help.

Stage 3 – Professional reintegration

“When I get back, I need to see that my company has prepared for my gradual return. I would appreciate a welcome‑back meeting on my first day. It is also important to me that people understand that some symptoms like fatigue and anxiety can persist long after treatment is complete.”

HR and supervisor

  • Allow for a gradual return to work.
  • Organize a welcome‑back meeting—show that you are interested in their well‑being.
  • Keep in mind that the employee could be prone to fatigue and possible anxiety for a while.
  • Offer a flexible work schedule if possible.
  • Talk to the person if you notice that he is overcome with fear, both physically and mentally,
    of being discriminated against and/or of losing his job.
  • Schedule meetings for periodic assessments.
  • Be as understanding as possible of changes in attitude towards work and show flexibility
  • Emphasize the balance between empathetic and normal attitudes.

Even if the treatment is over, there may be other issues that need to be addressed such as adapting to long‑term side effects, marital life, and long‑term plans. The family doctor, health professionals, you, and your employer, play a key role in the care of patients and their reintegration into the workplace.

Our corporate program can bring you the same support as our health professionals.

Customize these visuals with your company logo

For any request

  • Web banners | 728px X 90px
  • Social media posts: Vertical | 300px X
  • Facebook, LinkedIn | 600px X 250px
  • Instagram | 300px X 250px
  • Posters
  • Brochures



  • Have a date confirmation from you, at least 3 weeks before the
  • This way, we can create and prepare all visuals and other promotional
  • Get all the important information
  • Schedule (time and date), desired language (English or French), attendee number,
    location, desired session type (live on site or online via Webex or Google Meet)
  • Know your needs in terms of technical equipment
  • Microphone, screen, speaker, etc.


  • Allow about 2 weeks of in-house promotion (useful for registration)
  • That’s all! We will take care of the rest.


NONE! Our support program is completely free and is a turnkey offer.

At PROCURE, awareness and support are at the heart of our organization and that’s why every opportunity to be heard is important

This completely free program for organizations is an initiative that allows us to communicate our messages and raise the awareness of as many people as possible.



  • Relevant information about prostate cancer (symptoms, illness and health)
  • The entire Support Offer available to men and their families
  • Information material available on site and online at all times
  • Newsletter, news and more


  • Employers Guide – all about the support of a colleague/employee who
    has been diagnosed
  • Everything employees going to get

For the company

  • Good visibility and positive image towards society and new candidates
  • Simple way to have an innovative and original image
  • Free and easy involvement in a cause that deserves to be heard
  • A social positive impact
  • Free support offered to an employee
  • Good visibility in the large PROCURE network

In return for all this, we would like you to participate by publishing and sharing on your different platforms:

  • The information session in your establishment.
  • Our different fundraising events and campaing
  • (see all our events: )
  • Again, that’s all!

Last medical and editorial review: September 2023
Written by PROCURE. © All rights reserved

Prostate cancer
do not experience it alone.

Our healthcare professionals are here to answer all your questions and those of your loved ones. Contact us.

7/7 toll-free support line

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