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21 Days to Wellness

During this month dedicated to prostate cancer awareness, we take the opportunity to encourage you to make small changes to improve your overall well-being.

Since maintaining a healthy and vibrant lifestyle is fundamental to your quality of life (regardless of your prostate cancer diagnosis), we are proposing below five behaviors that can benefit your health. We invite you to think about which one you think is the most feasible to adopt into your daily routine over the next 21 days, at a time that suits you perfectly. Each of these behaviors is accompanied by additional information and practical advice to guide you in your approach and make your choice easier.

Nourishing Your Body, Nourishing Your Mind

Your choice of food has a tremendous influence on your journey, especially before, during and after prostate cancer treatment. Each bite infuses you with vital energy, cultivates your well-being, propels your healing process, wards off fatigue, and forges an armor of resilience against side effects and possible recurrences. More so, your diet becomes a powerful shield against the threats of chronic disease, helping you chart a course for lasting health. Every meal is an opportunity to strengthen your body in its quest for vitality and happiness.


COMMITMENT #1 : I agree to prepare a home-cooked meal of fresh, unprocessed food three times a week

Modifiable behavior : Excessive consumption of processed foods

To best reduce your intake of highly processed foods, choose fresh, unprocessed foods instead that are free of additives, added sugars, and saturated fats. Of course, it may seem simple to say, but let’s see some basics below to guide you.

Not sure where to start?

  1. Take an inventory of what’s in your fridge, freezer, cupboards and pantry. Do you have healthy foods on hand? They can be fresh, frozen, canned or canned/packaged.

  2. Do some Google searches for healthy recipes with your healthy foods. 

  3. Take note of your missing ingredients. What are you missing as an ingredient for this meal? Make a list and go get them.

Here are some other examples of colorful and tasty foods to add an explosion of flavors to your plate or throughout the day:

  • Salads: Try colorful combinations of lettuce, arugula, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, avocados and whole grains like quinoa.

  • Smoothies: Mix colorful fruits and vegetables with yogurt, milk or plant-based milk to create nutritious and vibrant smoothies.

  • Main dishes: Prepare colorful dishes by adding a variety of vegetables to your stir-fries, curries, omelets or pasta dishes.

  • Snacks: Opt for healthy, colorful snacks like veggie sticks with yogurt-based dip, mixed dried fruits and nuts, grapes with low-fat cheddar or cottage cheese.

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COMMITMENT #2 : I agree to respect the maximum recommended sugar intake of 12 teaspoons a day, three times a week.

Modifiable behavior : Excess sugar consumption.

To further reduce your sugar intake, focus on naturally sweet foods such as vegetables, fruits and milk, and limit sugary drinks, pastries, desserts, sweets and packaged products. Of course, it may seem simple to say, but let’s see some basics below to guide you.

Not sure where to start?

  1. Rethink your tea and coffee by adding only a small amount of milk, or adding a hint of cinnamon, nutmeg or cocoa.

  2. Are you a heavy drinker of soft drinks? Replace them with regular sparkling water, flavored with mint or fruit (lemon, orange, strawberry, raspberry, etc.)

  3. Swap your fruit juice, even if it is 100% pure, for a fruit.

  4. Choose cereals with less than 6g of sugar and more than 4g of fiber per cup (30g serving).

  5. Reduce the amount of pastries, sweet desserts, candies, and chocolates by replacing them with roasted nuts, low-fat and low-salt cheeses with crackers, vegetables with dip, or plain yogurt with fresh fruit.

  6. Choose recipes that are low in sugar. Do not hesitate, in your favorite recipes, to reduce the amount of sugar by a quarter or a third.

  7. When buying canned or frozen fruit, look for products with no syrup or added sugar. So canned fruit in water is the best option.

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COMMITMENT #3 : I commit to carefully reading the nutritional labels of prepared and packaged foods, processed meats, soups, and sauces.

Modifiable behavior : Excessive salt consumption

To better reduce your sodium intake, prioritize a diet rich in vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole grains, while limiting processed and packaged foods, processed meats, soups, and sauces. Of course, this might sound simple to say, but let’s explore some basic concepts below to guide you.

Not sure where to start?

  1. Foods to prioritize for reducing salt intake: Focus on plenty of vegetables and fruits, along with consuming whole grain foods and a variety of protein sources, such as nuts, seeds, beans, lean meat, poultry, fish, and natural and low-fat dairy products.

  2. Look for products labeled as “low sodium,” “reduced sodium,” or “no added salt.” If a product claims to have reduced sodium content, take the time to check the nutrition facts panel, as it might still contain a significant amount.

  3. Draining and rinsing canned vegetables and legumes with water can reduce their sodium content listed on the nutrition facts panel by up to 50%.

  4. Try to decrease the amount of salt you add during cooking or at the table. If this seems challenging, you can always limit access to your salt shaker.

  5. Experiment with other seasonings like garlic, lemon juice, and fresh or dried herbs to enhance the flavor of your foods.

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Additional Resources

Click on the links below to access more information that will help you fulfill your commitment:

COMMITMENT #4 : I commit to replacing my high-fat, high-sugar and high-salt snacks with fresh fruits, cut vegetables, unsalted nuts or plain yogurts three times a week.

Modifiable behavior : Snacking and unhealthy snacks

To better manage snacking and avoid unhealthy snacks, it is advised to avoid skipping meals, as this can lead to cravings and less healthy food choices. Instead, prioritize balanced meals and nutritious snacks between meals if needed. Of course, this might sound simple to say, but let’s explore some basic concepts below to guide you.

Not sure where to start?

  1. At home, to avoid giving in to the ice cream tub or the bag of chips, try not to buy them too often, or better yet, store them out of sight (in the basement, for example). Out of sight, out of mind… and out of reach! And don’t underestimate the quantity you’ll consume in the long run.
  2. Control portions: Even if your snacks are healthy, remember they should be small portions. Avoid snacking in large quantities.
  3. Prepare healthy snacks. Find easy recipe inspirations here.

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COMMITMENT #5 : Before doing my grocery shopping, I commit to dedicating one hour per week to plan my meals, based on simple and healthy recipes to prepare.

Modifiable behavior : Lack of meal planning and preparation

To better manage meal planning and preparation, it is recommended to set aside time each week to plan your meals in advance and create grocery lists while consulting flyers to make informed choices. This will help you avoid impulsive decisions and prioritize healthy options. Of course, this may seem easy to say, but let’s explore some basic concepts below to guide you.

Don’t know where to start?

  1. 1.Choose a specific day to organize your menu. Dedicate between 30 minutes and 1 hour each week to plan your meals, including balanced and varied dishes. Think about incorporating vegetables, proteins, whole grains, and fruits to ensure a well-rounded diet.

    • Is your budget limited? The most effective way to cook on a limited budget is to precisely plan your meals: select the meals you want to prepare for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for several days initially, and then progress to planning for the entire week later on.
  2. Select recipes before you go shopping. Opt for simple and easy-to-prepare recipes, especially if you have a busy schedule, are tired, or have low energy due to prostate cancer treatment. This will save you time in the kitchen.

  3. Make sure to have olive oil, lemon, balsamic vinegar, onions, garlic, and herbs on hand for homemade dressings and to enhance the flavors of your dishes.

  4. Based on your menu, create a grocery list for the necessary ingredients. This will help ensure you don’t forget to buy essential items. Also, keep an eye on flyers, sales, and seasonal foods! This will help you save money.

  5. Plan for extra portions that you can eat as leftovers the next day (for example, for lunch at work) or freeze. It’s always convenient to have a prepared meal for days when you don’t feel like cooking.

  6. Try using this toolkit for healthy meal planning..

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Miracle foods for a healthy prostate!

First, a quick Google search with the keywords Miracle Foods For A Healthy Prostate generated 5,800,000 results in 51 seconds! Interesting topic you say? You see, and we cannot say it enough,

Read more »

Additional Resources

Click on the links below to access more information that will help you fulfill your commitment:

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