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Ready for love after prostate cancer?

Convinced that your prostate cancer holds back your hopes of finding the right life companion? And what if that was not quite the case…

Men who have had prostate cancer would confirm that after the illness, life is never the same as it used to be.

Indeed, the illness changes our priorities, values, and our very way of life: we can no longer look at life the way we did before. However, it must be kept in mind that having or having had prostate cancer does not mean saying no to love. The opposite is true: it could become the most important part of your life. Here are a few principles to keep in mind while looking for a partner.

Love’s door is always open

You may not believe it anymore, but tell yourself that love’s door is always open for you, even after your prostate cancer treatment. No one but yourself can stop you from finding love by crossing out such a possibility in your mind. Keep an open and alert mind, and you could meet some interesting people.

Fears are always the same for everyone

With or without prostate cancer treatment, every person’s fears remain rather constant across all ages. The elements that stop you from finding love are the fear of rejection, isolation, and prejudice, as well as fear of being vulnerable, not being equal, disappointing others, and having your heart broken.

Keep in mind that by allowing these fears to capture you, you may end up missing something that really matters. That is why it is crucial to get over the fear of disappointing others even if that means running the risk of getting hurt. When in doubt, remember that everyone has these same feelings.

Sexuality is not everything

In addition to sexuality, there are other criteria to consider when looking for a partner. If in the past you based your choice of a significant other on sexuality alone, you probably ended up quite disappointed. To increase your chances of success, some other factors to look at when selecting a partner are as follows:

  • Personality: Do you really like how they behave, react, and think?
  • Personal and social values: Ideally, these should be compatible with your own.
  • Plans and life goals: Does this person want the same things in life?
  • Shared interests: It is more likely that you will be happy in love with someone that has the same interests as you, such as cooking or travelling.
  • Availability: Is the person you have in mind available and ready to start a new relationship? They may have the best personality in the world and share your values, but if there is no physical and emotional availability, the relationship doesn’t stand a chance.

With these keys to love and happiness, are you ready for love?

Written by PROCURE. © All rights reserved – 2019

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