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Relationships with Loved Ones

Prostate cancer diagnosis is a difficult and challenging time for patients and their family. Relationships are often affected by this experience. Some relationships remain unchanged, others are solidified and some may suffer.

Maintaining relationships

It is important to preserve relationships with your loved ones by maintaining a good communication in your fight against prostate cancer. By keeping an open communication you can adapt to the new situation and define the new “normal” together. Keep in mind that it is up to you to decide what information you want to share.

Accept help from your loved ones

Although it may be difficult, being open to receive help from family and friends can help you adapt to the disease. Indeed, having a group of people who support you will bring you strength and courage in your fight against prostate cancer. Throughout your experience, you may need different types of help, such as preparing meals, babysitting, grocery shopping, accompanying to treatment sessions or emotional support. Do not be afraid to ask for help when you need it.


Sometimes you will need to share your feelings and concerns with someone you trust. It would be beneficial to have someone close to you with whom you can confide in and who will listen without giving opinions or advice.


On the subject: Men and Women of Courage

YouTube: Testimonials of Courage

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